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The Luxury of Obstacles

by Elizabeth Danson


Elizabeth Danson's poems live in detail. They note with witty affection 'the owl's head turning/further than it should be able to,' a wasp choosing a clean spot on a plate to settle, the 'plip" of a small frog hitting the water. They know that gulls stand on one leg to conserve body heat and that you should take 'almond for colic, cardamom for sweet breath.' They like to muse on the 'scribble' of landscapes and lives, delighting sometimes in their legibility, often in their mystery... With her precision of tone and tune she crafts poems that are at once wry and fond, sensuous and restrained, luxurious and clear.

—James Richardson, author of Intergalacial: New and Selected Poems & Aphorisms

ISBN: 9780963309242

Ordering Information

Title Author ISBN-10 Price US$ Shipping US$
The Luxury of Obstacles
Elizabeth Danson
0963309242 $10.00 each USA: $4.00 for one book; $1 each additional book
Canada: $5.00 for one book; $2 each additional book
Other non-US: $10.00 for one book; $4 each additional book


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