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About Michael Simms...Michael Simms

Michael Simms is the author of three full-length collections of poetry previously published by Ragged Sky: American Ash, Nightjar, and Strange Meadowlark. Simms has also published speculative novels; Bicycles of the Gods and The Talon Trilogy. His poems have appeared in many publications, including Poetry (Chicago), Plume Poetry, Scientific American and Poem-a-Day published by The Academy of American Poets. His poetry has been translated into Spanish, Arabic, Russian and Chinese. Simms is the Founding Editor of Vox Populi, an online forum for poetry, politics and nature, as well as the Founding Editor Emeritus of Autumn House Press, a nonprofit publisher of literary books. He has been active in progressive politics and community service for many years, currently working as a peer counselor with drug addicts and autistic individuals. In 2011, Simms was awarded a Certificate of Recognition from the Pennsylvania State Legislature for his service to the arts. Simms was born and raised in Texas, but since 1987 he's lived with his wife Eva, a philosopher and psychologist, in the historic neighborhood of Mount Washington overlooking the city of Pittsburgh.

Read about his new book of poetry, Jubal Rising, and his previous collections Strange Meadowlark, American Ash, and Nightjar.

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