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Between Silence and Praise

by Elizabeth Socolow


Borrowing from ecstatic tradition, Elizabeth Socolow turns rapt attention to what lies 'between'—to the hidden spaces one seeks for safety, to solitudes and the tensile strengths that blind us. Her lovely, devotional reflections make repair of aging, loss, and loneliness, and show us many ways 'to love the days and be surprised.'

—Terry Blackhawk, author of Body & Field and Escape Artist

Elizabeth Socolow...captures above all those flashes of consciousness, replete with evanescent meaning, that elude less refined perceptions. She celebrates the unnoticed small perfections of the natural world, like the spores of the fern, and links them to large questions of connectedness and complexity.

—Evelyn Witkin, Director-at-Large, New York Browning Society

ISBN 9780963309273

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Between Silence and Praise Elizabeth Anne Socolow 0963309277 $10.00 each USA: $4.00 for one book; $1 each additional book
Canada: $5.00 for one book; $2 each additional book
Other non-US: $10.00 for one book; $4 each additional book

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